Benefits of Participation

CANNABIS DAO strongly seeks support, participation, and contributions from stakeholders to promote the development of the cannabis research and industry. Our project can build a more powerful and innovative community by collaborating with experts and individuals with diverse backgrounds to share knowledge and resources. Let's grow this pioneering project together and forge the future of cannabis science and industry. We sincerely look forward to your participation.

Researchers and Academic Institutions

CANNABIS DAO welcomes collaboration with researchers and academic institutions conducting cannabis research, encouraging the proposal of new research projects and the sharing of existing research results. Through this platform, researchers can obtain funding and resources, and academic institutions can contribute to the popularization and development of cannabis research.

Companies and Investors

CANNABIS DAO seeks support from companies and investors interested in the cannabis industry. By investing in or partnering with the project, companies can explore new business opportunities, and investors can support the growth of the cannabis industry.

Policymakers and Regulatory Authorities

CANNABIS DAO aims to improve the regulatory environment for cannabis research and industry through dialogue with policymakers and regulatory authorities. This will promote the development of a safe and sustainable cannabis industry.

General Public

CANNABIS DAO welcomes participation and contributions from the general public interested in cannabis. By participating in the project, you can deepen your knowledge of cannabis research and industry and contribute to the development of the community.

Volunteers and Advisors

CANNABIS DAO welcomes support from volunteers and advisors with various skills and expertise. Technical, marketing, legal, scientific, and industry experts can collaborate to contribute to the development of the project.

Media and Influencers

CANNABIS DAO aims to raise project awareness and provide information to more people by collaborating with media and influencers. Media and influencers can transform societal perceptions and contribute to the success of the project by disseminating accurate and reliable information about cannabis research and industry.

Last updated