Mind Map

Phase 1

  • Conceptual design and development planning of CANNABIS DAO

  • Team formation

  • Legal and regulatory research and preparation

Phase 2

  • Prototype development of the platform

  • Token design and preparation for token sale

  • Formulation of marketing strategy

Phase 3

  • Implementation of token sale

  • Beta release of the platform

  • Start of funding for initial projects

Phase 4

  • Official release of the platform

  • Selection and support of research projects

  • Promotion of community activities

Phase 5

  • Platform feature expansion and optimization

  • Exploration of new partnerships

  • Evaluation of cannabis research outcomes and impact

Phase 6

  • Development and release of the CANNABIS DAO platform mobile app

  • Implementation of educational and awareness events

  • Expansion of research grant programs

Phase 7

  • Analysis and evaluation of research results

  • Building a global cannabis research community

  • Expansion of influence and establishment of industry leadership

Last updated